Bleaching is a fantastic way to radically change your look and create a fusion of natural hair colors over time. After a session, you must give your cuticles and scalp time to recover.
But what if the result is not as light as you want or even worse, you are left with orange hair? Can you bleach your hair again the same day or after 24 hours?
Can I Bleach My Hair Again The Next Day?
While it is technically possible to bleach your hair again after 24 hours, you should not bleach your hair again the next day. This could lead to significant damage.
Bleaching hair twice in a short time can lead to severe dryness and damage causing hair to break off or be extremely stretchy, which leads to breakage. If your scalp is not healthy, there is a chance of burning your skin, causing irritation and scabbing too.
How Long Should You Wait To Bleach Hair Again?

For people who bleach their hair at home and are not satisfied with the color after the first bleach application, it is highly recommended to wait at least two weeks before you attempt to bleach your hair again.
While 2 weeks is the minimum time, we recommend at least 4-6 weeks intervals between bleaching sessions depending on your hair condition. It will give your hair cuticle time to relax and recover the bleach damage.
Before the second bleaching session, oil and condition your hair to keep it in better shape. This will prevent further hair damage or hair loss.
For those who want to go from dark to blonde, professional salons double-process your hair on the same day based on your hair condition.
Double processing is applying a color treatment one right after another. Taking naturally dark hair to a light blonde or platinum requires double processing and can be done on the same day or the next day, but only if your hair and scalp are healthy.
Will Your Hair Fall Out if Bleached Twice in One Day?

The bleaching process damages your hair, causing the cuticle to open and expand to release the natural hair pigment. Bleaching already damaged hair can lead to irreversible results that change your appearance.
If your hair is too porous, a second bleach application can cause a “chemical haircut.” This scenario occurs when the overprocessed hair stretches and snaps off or the bleaching chemical causes the hair to become mushy or matted, pulling out when you brush it.
It is also possible to damage the scalp during bleaching. When this happens, not only can you have irritation and scabs, but the hair will continue to fall out when brushing. The loss of hair leaves a once full head of hair much thinner.
How Do I Make Hair Bleaching Safer?

If you want to bleach your hair again within a short interval, you should use developers with volumes of 10 percent or less. The lower the developer volume, the less hydrogen peroxide the product contains, causing less damage to your hair.
When it comes to bleach, consider using quality brands with organic ingredients. Ammonia, in particular, is a substance worth avoiding if you can. However, know that weaker bleaches often take more time to use.
After bleaching once, treat your hair with care. Most bleaching kits come with a repair package that helps you recover your cuticle strength and shine. Follow the instructions closely and carefully to prepare for bleaching again.
We strongly recommend going to a salon for bleaching rather than doing it at home. Professionals know what your hair texture and strength can tolerate, picking the best products with the fewest drawbacks.
Bleaching your hair again after 24 hours can cause significant damage to your hair. If you plan to do this, you should let a professional check your hair and scalp first. An unhealthy scalp or prolonged bleach application can cause skin burns and irritation. To avoid significant damage, wait for 4 to 6 weeks before bleaching your hair again.
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