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Flaxseed Oil for Hair: Benefits & Uses For Healthier Hair

Flaxseed is well known for its nutritional properties and health benefits and helping with weight loss. But it isn’t only helpful when ingested; Flaxseed oil can be used on hair, too, making it silky and shiny. It also makes it less dry and fights the “straw” effect, among other issues.

Want to know more about the benefits of using flaxseed oil for hair? Let’s dive deep!


Nutritional Properties of Flaxseed Oil

benefits of flaxseed oil

Flaxseed oil has an efficient nutritional composition, making it capable of moisturizing and nourishing hair fiber.

It contains about 75% polyunsaturated fats and is considered the essential oil with most Omega 3. It also has Omega 6, ceramides, and vitamin E, which give it anti-inflammatory, humectant, anti-oxidant, strengthening, and moisturizing properties.

See below the main roles played by those nutrients on our hair:

  • Omega 3 e 6: These oils replenish the hair’s natural fats, making it shiny and soft. They also boost hair growth, making it grow twice as fast.
  • Vitamin E: It boosts hair nutrition and hair growth. It also prevents hair loss.
  • Ceramides: This lipid can be found in most hair products. It forms a protective layer on the hair and binds the cuticles together, preventing split ends.


Flaxseed Oil Benefits for Hair

You’re probably excited by reading all of that about flaxseed oil, aren’t you? Then we’ll list a few main benefits of flaxseed oil:

  • It reduces hair loss;
  • Fights seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff when applied on the scalp;
  • It makes hair stronger and boosts its growth;
  • Moisturizes and nourishes your hair;
  • It makes your hair soft and shiny;
  • Can be used to control frizz;
  • It can be used as a restorer.


Who Should Use It

Flaxseed oil has moisturizing, humectant, strengthening, anti-inflammatory, and anti-oxidant properties. It is ideal for dry, damaged, brittle, and chemically treated hair.

Flaxseed oil can help prevent hair loss, strengthen hair, boost its growth, moisturize and nourish it deeply. In addition, it maintains the scalp’s natural oils, making hair shiny and preventing issues like frizz and seborrheic dermatitis. For that reason, it can be used in many ways, as you’ll see in this article.


Behentrimonium Methosulfate for Hair


How to Use

flaxseed oil for hair

As mentioned previously, there are many ways to apply this oil on your hair. It depends on the effect you’re looking for. See:



To moisturize your hair using flaxseed oil, your hair must be clean. It doesn’t matter if it is wet or dry. They also need to be free of residues of other hair products, like petroleum and silicon, which hinder the absorption of the oil.

The oil must be warm before application. Pour a small amount on your palm and rub your hands together. Then, spread it on your hair.

After applying thoroughly, massage your hair gently on the length and scalp. Use circular motions with your fingertips.

If you are looking for a more intense moisturizing, you can leave the oil overnight and rinse it the following day, using plenty of water and only conditioner.

You can also add flaxseed oil to your moisturizing mask, mixing it well and applying it following instructions.


Watch The Following Video about How to Apply Flaxseed Oil on Hair


Hair Restorer

flaxseed oil for restoring hair

You can use flaxseed oil to restore hair tips by adding a few drops of it to your leave-in conditioner. You can also pour a bit of this oil in a spray bottle, spraying it on the hair tips when they feel dry. You can use it on wet or dry hair.


Other foods that help in hair growth:



If you want to nourish your hair with flaxseed oil, first divide your (unwashed and dry) hair into sections. Then apply a good amount of the oil on each section, from the roots to the tips. Leave it for an hour. You can also apply the oil before sleeping and wash it the next day, using the only conditioner.