If you are an owner of a Shih Tzu, you have plenty of interesting hairstyling ahead of you.
Shih Tzu haircuts vary greatly. These dogs have extremely long hair, which can be styled in any way possible. Shih Tzu owners go out of their way to create something special for their pets.
Even if your animal is not a show dog, you still want it to look nice. If you are running out of ideas of what to do with your pet’s beautiful hair, you can take a look at what others have done. Playing around with dog’s coats is a lot of fun. Enjoy!
Adorable Shih Tzu Haircuts
Shih Tzu haircuts can make your dog look truly amazing. You can choose from short, long, medium-sized, classic lions, ponytails, braids, and etc.
The long coats seem to be created specifically for grooming experiments. Most dog owners prefer bringing their pets to groomers to get a professional hairstyle.
Meanwhile, some of the haircuts are possible to make on your own as long as the dog is ready to sit still. The below Shih Tzu haircuts can help you decide what cut you want to give to your puppy.
1. Long and beautiful hair

If you are after a dog show look, you have to grow your Shih Tzu hair long. Only the bravest and the most dedicated owners can keep this type of hair clean and brushed on a daily basis. The result is truly stunning!
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2. Striking paws

This semi-lion hairstyle is a great choice for Shih Tzus. Most of the coat is cut short. The paws are styled to create an appearance of small cones. This haircut is easier to take care of than the very long one but it still looks fabulous.
3. Shih Tzus with Ponytails

Thanks to the long fur, Shih Tzu haircuts can look striking with various accessories. If you like innovative experiments, use elastic bands to make your dog look stunning. Ponytails are a great way to keep long hair neat.
4. Shih Tzu with medium-length hair

Medium-length teddy bear haircuts are great for Shih Tzus. They emphasize their beautiful coats while keeping the maintenance to a minimum. You can consider cutting all the hair the same length to make the brushing simpler.
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5. Tail hair fun

Shih Tzus have amazingly long hair on their tails. Most of the Shih Tzu haircuts involve living it long. You can have a lot of fun styling such hair. You can use various accessories, make braids or ponytails.
6. Cute ears

Shih Tzu ears need special hair care. Most of the time the hair is trimmed to be the same length as the ears. You need to do regular brushing. Shih Tzus are also prone to ear infections so you need to check them carefully.
7. Dress up

If you want to emphasize a hairstyle, you might want to consider to dress your Shih Tzu up. Think about special dog jackets that cover up the short hair on the dog’s torso and flaunt the long locks on paws and tail.
8. Keep it simple

If you are not looking forward to the 1st place at a dog show, you can keep the Shih Tzu haircut as simple as possible. Don’t bother with different hair length. Just make sure the coat is long enough to make the dog comfortable.
9. Facial hair

Facial hair needs special care just as the rest of the body does. You need to make sure that the long strands don’t fall into the dog’s eyes. It might lead to eye problems and even blindness. Keep the facial hair short and neat.
10. Cutie lion

Shih Tzus are cute and small dogs but the lion haircut is a classic that can’t be overlooked. Surprisingly enough it looks very suitable for Shih Tzu. Consider leaving some more hair on the chest and the shoulders.
11. Short and layered

Shih Tzu haircuts can be close to whatever people do on their own heads. Short layers are a great way to make the hair look voluminous while keeping it easy to brush and maintain. Make sure the facial hair is cut short as well.
12. Puppy trimming

Puppies don’t require extensive hair care. As soon as the dog turns 3 – 4 months old, you need to teach it how to get the coat trimmed. Start with a couple of minutes so the dog can get used to the process.
13. Girly look

Braids and ponytails are not just a way to give your Shih Tzu a girly look. It’s a perfect method of keeping the long hair neat and clean. If your dog loves rolling around in the dirt, keeping its hair neat and clean is harder than ever. Ponytails can save you some hassle.
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14. Play around

There are plenty of fun Shih Tzu haircuts out there. Take advantage of your dog’s long hair to have a little fun. Take a look at this cute comb over which is created by combing some hair from one ear of your dog to another.
15. Accessories

When the Shih Tzu’s hair is too short to play around with, you can use various accessories to make it look even cuter. Consider special hair clips created for dogs in order to decorate your dog’s hairstyle.
16. Short and cute

Look how cute the Shih Tzu puppies look when they still have short hair. You can make your adult pet look the same by keeping the coat trimmed. The shorter the hair is, the more comfortable the dog feels.
17. Head and tail

Most owners prefer keeping the hair on the head and the tail long while leaving the rest of the hair short. This might not be a good idea for the overall appearance of a dog. Consider keeping all hair the same length or going for a lion cut.
18. Neatly brushed

Even if your Shih Tzu haircut is short, you still need to pay special attention to brushing. Brush the dog’s hair at least once a week to make sure there are no knots. Badly brushed hair can lead to an unplanned haircut.
19. Nothing special

If you don’t want to worry about your dog’s hair on a daily basis, you need to keep it short. Just leave some hair on the dog’s ears and tails, the rest can be trimmed as short as possible.
20. Paw care

When you are thinking about your pet’s new haircut, make sure to ask the groomer to check the paws. The hair on the pads needs to be kept as short as possible. Any hair between the toes must be trimmed as well.
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Shih Tzu Grooming for Beginners
Since Shih Tzus have long hair, they need special care. As soon as it turns 3 months, the coat needs to be clipped.
The shorter you make the hair, the better the dog feels. So you need to teach it to behave during the grooming process ever since it’s a puppy. Before giving your dog its first haircut, you need to make sure it’s now afraid of the scissors.
Ever since your Shih Tzu is a small puppy, teach it the sound of scissors snipping. Do it a few times each week so the dog is not afraid of the sound when you actually start the cutting.
The hair must be brushed on a weekly basis or even more often, depending on how active the dog is. If you want the groomer to take care of the dog’s coat in the future, you need to teach your pet to wear a muzzle during grooming. Start by putting it on before brushing at home.
Here are some of the frequently asked questions about Shih Tzu haircuts.
Shih Tzu puppies and adult dogs have hair, not fur. Hair and fur are similar but do have some significant differences. It has a fine texture and can grow to a considerably longer length. In comparison, fur is usually shorter and coarser than hair.
Shih Tzus should have their hair trimmed around every month or every six weeks. Much like human hair, their hair grows rather quickly and requires grooming to prevent split ends and tangles.
Most Shih Tzus get their first haircuts when they are three or four months old. They usually have at least an inch of hair and need some grooming to avoid tangles. Once your Shih Tzu receives their first haircut, you can start them on a routine of getting their hair done every four to six weeks.
Shih Tzus generally don’t shed, but Shih Tzu puppies will shed their baby hair when they are around a year old. Although you don’t have to worry about a Shih Tzu adult shedding often, a Shih Tzu puppy will go through a phase where they lose its soft puppy coat and replace it with adult hair.
Yes, a qualified dog groomer can straighten its hair. A professional dog groomer will know to apply a heat protectant to your dog’s hair before using a straight iron and will have the experience to straighten your dog’s hair without hurting or scaring them.
No. Avoid using human shampoo, including baby shampoo, on your puppy. Most dogs are allergic to the substances in human shampoos, and the shampoo will leave them with itchy skin and dull hair. If you have to use human shampoo on your Shih Tzu, baby shampoo is the best option since it is the most gentle.
A purebred’s hair will continuously grow if it is not cut. A Shih Tzu’s hair is not that different from a human’s hair, so as long as the dog is healthy, the hair will grow.
Some Shih Tzu hair is wavy, but if your dog has curly hair, experts would probably consider it a mixed breed.
Shih Tzus have long hair. Their hair can be cut short for convenience and style. If your Shih Tzu puppy appears to have short hair, it is probably because its adult coat has not grown in yet.
If your Shih Tzu’s hair isn’t as fluffy as you want it to be, it is probably related to how you are drying your hair. Like human hair, a Shih Tzu’s hair volume and texture are impacted by the drying method. Properly fluff-drying a dog’s hair involves a careful process of towel drying and blow-drying.
You can make your Shih Tzu’s hair thinner and easier to manage with strategic haircuts. One easy strategy is cutting your puppy’s hair with thinning scissors. Another option is to cut your dog’s hair short or into layers.
Yes, Most dogs feel better after getting a haircut. Their hair will be clean and free of uncomfortable tangles. A haircut can also help keep their hair out of their eyes and mouth. Furthermore, a haircut will help your Shih Tzu feel more comfortable in hot weather, as their thick hair can be quite oppressive in the heat.
If you are planning a Shih Tzu haircut, there are plenty of options to choose from. We hope we gave you an idea of what your pet can look like with the right care. Use your imagination and enjoy your pet’s new look.