A faded beard style is becoming more and more popular. There isn’t anything complicated about this way to shape your beard. In fact, it looks just like it sounds. The beard fades from thick hair growth to shaved face just like a faded haircut does. The fading approach can make even thick fullest and wildest beard look neat and stylish.
There are many different types of faded beards you can take advantage of depending on your preferences. Men that use up a lot of time growing and styling a full beard and often not ready to cut it in order to achieve neatness. A faded beard style can easily do the trick.
How to Style A Faded Beard
You can make your favorite faded beard style in just a few steps. If you have a trimmer, a clipper, scissors, and a comb, you can start right now. Don’t be afraid of overdoing the fading. You practically can’t go wrong with these styles. Any width or length of the faded part is allowed.
- Your first step is to trim the beard to the length you want it to be. You can skip this step if you have a voluminous beard, which you want to grow longer.
- Take a detailing clipper and use it to shape the beard around your lips. Keep the hair short but don’t make it extremely short since you have more work to do.
- Use the trimmer to make a line from the top of your Adam’s apple to the neckline. Make sure to get rid of all the stray hair.
- Use a detailing clipper to start clipping from the place under your ear to the line of your cheeks (where the sideburns end). This will be your fading point.
- Set your clipper to zero length and place it at the fading point. Slowly move it down for about half an inch. Then switch the lever to 0.5 and go down again. This is the fading process.
- You can continue the fading process as low as you wish (you can get some ideas from the list below).
- Use a razor to shape up the beard and get rid of all the unnecessary hair around it.
- Make sure to apply some aftershave lotion to the area where you actually did some shaving.
Faded Beard Styles
Depending on how much time you have to take care of your beard on a regular basis, you can choose among a certain number of faded beard styles. Don’t be afraid to experiment with fading. You can go from a faded soul patch to a goatee and end up with a striking full faded beard. The more fading you use, the less hair gets into your way.
However, a lot of fading means plenty of care. If you are a lucky owner of a beard, you know all too well about the care hassle so a fading style is not something you are afraid of.
1. Low Beard Fade
Short beards often look good with a low beard fade. These fades typically end at the bottom of the ear and make sense with full, yet short beards. This look is easy to achieve and even easier to maintain. A low fade helps to open up your look and show off cheekbones.
2. Fade For Balding Hair
Incorporating a faded beard look for man with balding hair is surprisingly easy. Fades are great for balding fellows because the technique disguises hair loss and makes it look almost intentional. Try for a loosely tapered fade beard style.
3. Short Beard Fade
This technique is perfect for a short beard fade. It works especially well in conjunction with a faded hairstyle to really help open up your look. This medium fade is simple and easy, even if your beard is patchy.
4. Medium Shadow Fade

Instagram / halanbarufioficial
Just as the name suggests, a shadow faded beard blends slowly from full hair at the chin to a bald fade at the ear. Though this look is considered a medium fade, shadow fades can be low or high and can be done on the scalp as well.
5. Full Beard Fade
A full beard fade is for the fellow who is serious about his grown out and well-groomed beard. Fades focus the attention on your luscious beard and can be either low, medium, or high. For a clean, sharp look, give hair a high fade as well.
6. Faded Beard with Sharp Line

Instagram / pj_yatescutz
This beard style involves skin fading on the sideburn while the chin and mustache area remain medium. The look is finished off with a clean, sharp line that separates the shaved area from the longer portion. It is perfect for men with chubby cheeks.
7. Chinstrap Shadow

Instagram / magic.haircut_taiwan
It is characterized by a thin line of facial hair that runs along the jawline, creating the appearance of a shadow that frames the face. Additionally, the short and patchy beard adds texture and dimension to the look, making it a great choice for those who don’t want to commit to a full beard.
8. Matured Line

Instagram / blendelena
To achieve this look, start by fading the sides of the face while using a trimmer to create a structured line along the cheekbones. Next, create a tapered look at the neck and trim the beard down to a medium length on the chin. Finally, use beard oil to keep the facial hair looking neat and tidy.
9. Tapering and Design

Instagram / evavykopalova
The faded beard is combed and shaped to look like a long ducktail. It is longer than a normal beard and is typically a little tapered at the end. It can be kept neat and trimmed or left to grow out a bit for a more rugged appearance. The design on the side of your head can give an elegant appearance.
10. Thick Shadow

Instagram / mehdi_farahh
This look is great for men who want a polished look. The dark shadow beard is a great way to add some texture and depth to the face, while the fine round lines on the cheeks can help to give the face a more sculpted look. This look is best achieved with a good-quality beard trimmer and a steady hand.
11. Long Ducktail Beard

Instagram / thatbarbermarty
To get this faded look, the beard should be long and tapered at the bottom to get a sharp, pointed look. The sideburns should be faded gradually, starting at the top near the hairline. This look is ideal for men with angular and square-shaped faces.
12. Short and Patchy

Instagram / lilbitofeverythinghair
This look requires trimming the beard with a trimmer set to a medium setting. Then, use a razor to fade the sides of the beard and create a lined edge along the mustache. Also, don’t forget to trim and shape the soul patch.
13. Gradual Fade + Edgy Line

Instagram / martinezjl_13
To achieve this look, start by trimming the beard down to a short length. Then, use a razor or trimmer to define the jawline and cheek line, keeping the curve of the cheek line rounded. To create an edgy look, use a straight razor to shave off the edges along the jawline.
14. Thick Neckline Beard

Instagram / tommybladesbarbershop
It is an edgy and modern faded beard look that works best for men with strong facial features. This style involves a thick beard with a shadow fading along the cheeks that create a gradual transition from short to long toward the jawline.
15. Semblance with Hair

Instagram / cutsbykhi
For this appearance, you’ll need to start with medium-length facial hair and then use clippers to gradually fade the hair and sideburns to the beard. Make sure to keep the beard full and even, and use a razor to create a sharp edge along the jawline and neck. This style is a perfect match for any casual occasion.
16. Beard Fade Into Hair
One look you definitely want to avoid is a sudden contrast between your hair fade and a full beard. A beard fade into hair creates a gradual fade on both the hair and the beard with your ear as the center of the action.
17. Low Shadow Into Goatee Beard

Instagram / miami_the_barber
Shadow beards are awesome at giving the illusion of a beard when in fact, you’re working with pretty much a goatee. This look will keep you on trend and let you work with the smaller, more manageable portion of beard that you desire.
18. Fade For Long Beard
We often see fades on shorter beards, but a long beard fade makes for a great style, too. Create a fade on both your beard and smooth, coiffed hair to let their length and height balance each other out.
19. Tapered Fade
The beloved tapered beard fade style is an approachable way to rock a fade style. It involves a gradual fading of hair as you move from the chin up to the ear. We love it for guys with patchy beards or pale fellows who have a hard time maintaining a shadow.
20. Medium Faded Beard
The main advantage of this beard is the contrast it makes with the rest of the face. A shaved or faded hairstyle is the best fit for a formidable and faded beard. The faded beard starts below the ears and slowly turns full.
Different Faded Haircuts for Men
21. Slight fade

Instagram / xxmartinez
This is another faded beard, which “hooks up” to the faded hairstyle. Keeping the hair on top of your head and the hair on your chin about the same length is a smart way to create a striking appearance.
22. Low Fade
This is a smart low goatee fade which looks truly fantastic but can give you some few hard minutes in front of the mirror. The most beautiful and impressive faded beard styles are usually the hardest to achieve.
23. Wide faded strap
A wide faded strap is a smart way to get a beard without actually growing one. You need to grow some hair in the beginning and then keep it neat and faded on the daily or weekly basis depending on your favorite length.
Chinstrap Beard Styles for Men
24. Layered fade
A layered beard fade can look truly amazing if you have thick enough hair to create visible layers. Men with dark beards can achieve the result easier than men with lighter hair. The contrast is awesome!
25. Shaped up fade

Instagram / x.volume
Shaped up faded beard styles usually look very impressive regardless of the length of the beard. So be it a chin curtain or even a soul patch, the shaped up form can save the day. However, it can take some time to create.
26. Slight fade

Instagram / cutsbykhi
For all the lazy bearded guys out there, this slight fade can give some shape to your beard without too much hassle. The goal is to shape up the sideburns and make a line between the head hair and the facial hair.
27. Chin curtain

Instagram / major_cutz_studios
A faded beard style can be very easy if you have a chin curtain. All you have to bother about is the way the sideburns look. Whatever goes down the chain is easy to style any way you like. The bottom should be trimmed not to appear too long.
28. Ear fade
This is another lazy guy fade that makes the beard look fuller without too much hassle. The name comes from the place the fade is actually starting and pretty much ending. A small shaved space is enough to make a style.
29. Prominence

Instagram / jake_todd
If you have a huge and prominent beard, consider a little fading on top to shape it. A fade is a simple way to give your beard a new look without trimming away the length. Give it a try!
30. Mixed fade
The impression of this fade comes from the faded hairstyle. The shaved layer on the head makes the sideburns and the beard look prominent. The next step would be growing a few inches of beard length to make the contrast even more striking.
31. Disappearing fade
Shaving the area to separate the hair on your head and your beard is a great way to achieve an impressive faded beard style. Go on to experiment with the length of the hair on your head and face to create real masterpieces.
32. Top layer
We are used to seeing the hair fade from top to bottom but what about a lateral fade? See how the layer on top is very short compared to the rest of the beard. Such neat shaping can be done by a professional barber.
33. Slow fading
Slow fading is a great way to make a stylish modern hairstyle and complement it with a new faded beard style. The drop fade on the back and the simple fade on the front can make you look fabulous!
34. Detachable beard
A neat fade makes the hair on your head slowly turn into the hair on your face. However, you can go for a detachable look as you see in the photo. Then you can proceed with fading the beard any way you like.
35. High and special
Once you get a good hang of the fade making, you can go on to all types of experiments. You can make lateral and vertical fades or mix the two. You can get some inspiration from this photo. This one is easy to make for a professional.
36. Patchy fading

Instagram / martinezjl_13
Patchy fading might look a little messy, but it’s actually quite hard to achieve. Instead of working with clippers and trimmers, you need to create a partial scissors fade, which can take some time and effort.
37. Geometry

Instagram / damnitgabee
When you create faded beard styles, you might want to play around with the shape of your facial hair. This style is accessible to men who have thick hair that grows uniformly. You can make geometrical shapes and other designs.
38. Scissors fade

Instagram / elpakobarber
A scissors fade is a beard style which is not easy to achieve on your own. However, the results are truly impressive. You don’t use the trimmer or the clippers to create this style. It’s done solely with the scissors.
39. Fade it up
Making the taper fade hairstyle as high as possible allows you to outline your beard. The less hair you have on the top, the more hair seems to appear on the bottom. Even if you have a stubble, the right haircut can make it look prominent.
40. Neat fade
Full and impressive beards are often hard to keep looking neat. Sometimes, men give up on full beard styles and give their facial hair a short cut. However, a neat fade can save the day and make even the fullest beard appear tidy.
41. Soft transition

Instagram / tyrone_barber
The soft transition of a taper fade to a fade beard style is imperative to making the overall impression neat and solid. You might even need to use a ruler to create a perfect symmetry to help you achieve the goal.
42. Low scissors fade

Instagram / kaingalea
A low scissors fade looks especially well when you keep the rest of the hair shaved. Allowing stray hair to grow on your cheeks or the neck can undermine the overall appearance. Neatness is the key to a great beard style.
43. Lazy option
While there is nothing lazy about trimming a beard, you can cut yourself some slack when you are doing the fade. You can just follow the outline your hairstylist made when you were getting a taper fade and not go too low.
44. Around the ears
The link between the hairstyle and faded beard style is a great opportunity to play around. You can make it run as far or close to the ears as the hair on your face allows. Make it a little farther away for a special look.
45. Reverse fade
This reverse fade starts near the chin and ends near the ears. This smart approach can easily make you stand out of the crowd. If you decide to add a goatee and a mustache, the appearance can be stunning.
46. Cool fade

Instagram / aartify_hair_makeup
There isn’t anything complicated about creating a cool fade. All you have to do is make your beard appear more prominent by the right shaping. It makes sense to go to the barber shop if you are trying this for the first time.
47. A wide style
Making the hair on the cheeks wider than the thick patch on your chin is a great way to make an impression. It feels as if you have two facial hairstyles. One of them is a faded beard style while another is a special goatee.
48. Thin fade

Instagram / savage.sarabia
If you have thin facial hair, it’s hard to create an impressive fade style. However, you can try by outlining the difference between a shag and your sideburns. Thick hair on top makes a good contrast to the thin hair on the bottom.
49. Classic fade

Instagram / authenticallyathenaslc
The classic faded beard style should have you dealing with just the top part of your beard. The rest of the facial hair should be styled as usual. Even a small faded layer on top can give your beard a special look.
50. Creative fade
When you are dealing with a full beard, the classic fade might not be the best idea. However, you can get creative and make a fade wherever you see fit. Just make sure to detach the beard from the hairstyle.
These faded beard styles are just the first step on the road to interesting facial hair styling. You can easily achieve most of these on your own if you have the right tools. Whatever size beard you have, you can enjoy a beard fade.