When you hear about titanium hair color, you might be a little surprised. Meanwhile, it’s gaining popularity faster than light. Who could have thought that silver hair would become such a hit? For centuries, men and women all over the planet were coming up with ways to hide the gray hairs.
And now their efforts seem to be in vain? Titanium locks are considered beautiful and worth flaunting. Of course, the natural grayness is still something you want to hide and dyeing your hair titanium is one of the smartest ways to do it.
How to Achieve Titanium Hair Color
Just like other far-from-natural hair colors, titanium shades are not easy to achieve. If you are a blonde, you’ll have a much easier time getting the desired titanium shade. However, most people aren’t lucky enough to have a light hair color, which is suitable for quick dyeing.
The Hateful Bleaching
Let’s face it. You have to bleach your locks. Get ready for hair damage and a long discoloration process. Some brave girls with dark hair might need as many as 4 or 5 bleaching sessions to completely get their own pigment out of the hair.
Since you have to wait for about 7 – 10 days between the bleaching sessions, you have to get ready to go around with oddly colored hair for almost a month. Are you ready? Who said it would be easy?
Not Blonde Enough?
Are you looking in the mirror and seeing a blonde? Looks a little closer. Yellow, gold, honey, strawberry and dirty blondes are out of the question.
If you apply titanium hair dye to such locks, you’ll end up getting an ash-brown dirty look you’ll definitely hate.
Unclear and dull-looking hair is far from titanium. So say goodbye to your wonderful blonde locks and take out a new batch of bleaching materials.
Getting Rid of Golden Undertones
If you still have gold undertones that are hard to get rid of after bleaching, you can use an ash toner. It’s better to use a toner instead of going through another bleaching session.
Toners can help you achieve a perfect base for titanium dyes. Meanwhile, they don’t damage your hair as much as bleaching does.
Now that you’ve achieved a perfect hair color for titanium hair dyeing, you can choose the right shade and go for it!
Popular Titanium Hair Colors
Smart women know that changing their style on a regular basis is the key to looking beautiful and desirable. Following the fashion trends is often tricky. Especially when it comes to titanium hair color. Most girls are surprised and turned off by such colors.
Meanwhile, fashionable divas are ready to embrace anything the fashion world throws at them. For a couple of years now, titanium hair hues have been emerging from the shade.
If you haven’t tried it yet, you might be missing out on a lot of fun. We are offering you 15 interesting options to check out.
1. Titanium Hair with Dark Roots
If you want to add a mysterious touch to your already gorgeous titanium hair color, the best and simplest option you have would be to color your roots in a darker shade like black.
The dark shade will provide a nice contrast to your hair and will make it stand out even more.
2. Titanium Balayage

Instagram / hairbyvalerien
If you think coloring your entire hair titanium is a bit too much, go for the next best titanium hair color idea– a balayage!
Since they are both neutral shades, brown and titanium go oh so well together. Just make sure to choose shades that have the same undertone and you’re good to go.
3. Titanium Blonde

Instagram / gamine_design_and_color_studio
You can also go for a warmer tone by mixing in a light blonde color with your titanium hair color. This icy cool combination is perfect for people with warm undertones.
4. Titanium Color on Dark Hair

Instagram / amandaraeandco
Another amazing titanium hair color idea that will allow you to jump in on the trend without fully committing to it is adding thick strands of titanium hair to jet black hair.
This hairstyle will certainly make you look like a badass– just like Storm of Xmen!
5. Titanium Red

Instagram / hairby__katieb
If you think having titanium hair color is not unique enough, you can add streaks of brightly colored dyes to make it more eye-catching. It’s cool, unexpected, and will definitely make heads turn!
6. The Snowwhite
Incorporating titanium hair color into gray and white tresses can help you eliminate the aging factor. Since our brain associates silver with old age, it’s hard to understand that gray locks are worn by a young woman.
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7. Titanium blue
Titanium shades can differ depending on the base you apply the dye to. If you didn’t do a great job bleaching the locks, you might end up sporting a darker color with blue undertones. If you like this mix, you can achieve it with bluish dyes as well.
8. Titanium highlights
If you already bleached your locks and want to try all types of outrageous colors, titanium can be a great addition to various shade combinations. Take a look at how amazing titanium highlights look with purple strands.
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9. Titanium ombre
If your hairdresser is a real professional, you can achieve this amazing hair color. Look at how beautiful the silver top looks together with titanium bottom. You don’t have to have long hair to sport this ombre. It looks striking with short hair as well.
10. The real deal
Girls with straight hair can enjoy the very essence of the titanium hair color. While curls might hide the flowing shades, the straight locks outline it. If you did the bleaching right, you can achieve this perfect look.
11. Silver Mix
Silver, gray, titanium, and white locks can become a wonderful mix for your hairstyle. The darker some of the strands are, the more existing the other colors look. Meanwhile, the frequency of touchups is reduced.
12. Don’t Give Up
When you just start bleaching your locks, you can end up getting unfathomable colors. You just have to be patient and not give up. In just a few days, you can sport amazing titanium hair color that will definitely turn all the heads your way.
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13. Black roots
One of the major benefits of a true titanium color is that it looks beautiful with black roots. So if you spent a month bleaching your black locks to get a titanium shade, you can now relax and enjoy the benefits. You deserved it!
14. Beautiful balayage
Achieving a balayage using titanium and silver hair colors is possible for a real professional hairdresser. If you have one of those in mind, you can readily ask for such a combination. You’ll definitely love it.
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15. Purple shimmer
Titanium hair with a purple shimmer can create an image you never thought possible. This wild yet natural looking color is perfect for a special occasion. Imagine how great this color would look on a bride coupled with a beautiful white dress!
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If you haven’t tried titanium hair colors before, we hope you are ready to start now. One of these shades is bound to strike a chord in your heart. Even if bleaching seems like a long shot. The result is truly worth it!