Every woman should know how to cut split ends, as it’s an issue most of us have to deal with. There are many causes for split ends, including heat, chemicals such as dyes and treatments, and over-washing, among others.
That’s why it’s important to know how to cut and get rid of the split ends with or without cutting hair, which is also possible!
Difference between split ends and frizz
When split ends travel up the hair shaft, they can cause a significant amount of frizz. Hair breakage in the midshaft is also a cause of frizz.
Both of these are related to a split hair shaft and breakage. However, frizz, in a general sense, is from dry hair that’s sticking up into the atmosphere in search of water.
When hair breaks mid-shaft or there are split ends, the hair appears to be sticking up as well. But this is from breakage, not necessarily dryness.
Can you cut split ends without losing length?
If you have coarse hair, trimming it every 12 weeks won’t make a significant difference. If you’re cutting your ends every six weeks, however, and only seeing a half-inch of growth a month, it’s going to impact your length.
For this reason, it’s a good idea to use hair growth products that can grow your hair quicker in order to offset the amount of length lost with trims.
Tips for Cutting Split Ends
Here are some tips for cutting split ends successfully:
- Sharp hair shears: Use sharp hair shears. Don’t use dull sewing or kitchen scissors. Dull scissors can actually cause split ends. So you’d only be adding more to the spot where you’re taking them away.
- Twist wavy hair: To make sure the hair section is even before cutting, twist it, then clip the ends. This way, it will also be easier to see where the hair thinning is taking place towards the ends. This indicates the proper place to clip.
- Braid curly hair: To make sure a section of curly hair is even at the bottom for cutting, braid it before clipping the ends. This also makes it easier to see where the hair begins to thin at the ends before trimming.
- Dry hair: Wet cutting is for professionals. If you’re trimming your hair at home, it’s best if it’s dry so that you can see the damage you’re trimming. Cutting your hair while it’s wet will conceal the split ends.
- Small sections: Never use big sections and clip across. You’ll be cutting your hair unevenly and the results could be disastrous. Instead, use small sections.
- Go slowly: Take your time and don’t rush through. You can always trim a little more after, but you can’t go back and trim less after rushing through your haircut.
Here are some tips for avoiding split ends altogether:

- Alternate washing: Try to wash your hair less. Using shampoo too frequently can dry out your hair and fray the ends. Wash your hair under the shower or in a sink with the hair falling backward to avoid tangling, which eventually causes split ends and breakage
- Use a conditioner: Always condition your hair, even if it’s only at the ends.
- Detangle carefully: Don’t pull a comb through your hair roughly. Use a leave-in conditioner for slip and start at the ends. Carefully detangle your way up until you’re at the roots and can run a wide-toothed comb through the entire length.
- Use a heat protectant: Try to limit heat use. When you do use heat tools, always use a heat protectant first.
- Get regular haircuts: Getting a haircut when you go to the salon, even if it is the same one, will help you avoid having to trim your ends. It will also keep your hair in good shape.
How to Cut Your Own Split Ends at Home
Without further ado, let’s take a look at the different ways of trimming split ends and getting rid of them without compromising the length of your hair and without having to visit the salon so often.
Method 1: Dusting

Dusting consists in trimming the very ends of your hair. This way you’ll get rid of split ends and you won’t compromise the length of your hair. Plus, dusting is so straightforward that you can do it yourself at home.
All you need to attempt dusting is a pair of sharp scissors, a mirror, and steady hands. If you want, you can blow out your hair first, which will allow you to define the cuts even better, but that’s completely up to you.
Here’s what you should do:
- Split your hair into four quarter sections and then dust one section at a time.
- To dust, grab each section between your index and middle fingers and then reach the very end of the hair.
- Hold your hair up so you can see any split ends and then trim them away carefully.
- Repeat this process with each section of hair.
Homemade Natural Hair Moisturizer Recipe
Method 2: Hair Twisting

This method is exactly what it sounds like! It consists in twisting your hair so you can cut the split ends in a single stroke. This is a great way to trim split ends and it’s super easy.
Just grab your scissors and follow these easy steps:
- Dry or blow out hair well if you need.
- Section your hair one inch at a time and twist it clockwise and tightly, from the roots to the tips.
- Hold the section you already twisted at the ends.
- Now you’ll be able to see the split ends clearly.
- Star from the top and work your way down as you trim off the split ends.
- Now, grab the same section of hair a twist it counterclockwise and repeat the trimming process.
- Do this in every section of your hair and you’ll be free of split ends!
Method 3: Hair Sliding

This method is a bit unconventional, but it’s also a great way for you to get rid of split ends at home.
Before you get started, you will need to straighten your hair. Protect your hair with a heat protectant before you straighten it out with a straightening iron and get rid of knots and tangles with a wide-toothed comb.
Once your hair is straightened, you can move on to trying this method to cut split ends!
Here’s what you should do:
- Grab a hair section of up to an inch.
- Grab the hair section between your index and your middle finger.
- Once you do that, slide your fingers to the very ends of your hair.
- This way you’ll see the split ends clearly, so you can snip them off with the scissors.
- Continue sliding and trimming until you’ve gone through your whole hair and you’ll be free of split ends!
Method 4: Trimming

Trimming your split ends is the most common method to help you say goodbye to them and it’s super simple.
Here’s what you’ll need to do:
- Wet your hair or dampen it.
- Comb your hair with a wide-toothed comb to make sure it’s smooth.
- Pick a section of your hair of up to an inch and hold up the rest so it doesn’t bother you.
- Grab the hair section between your index and middle finger and slide your fingers downward until you reach the ends.
- Hold your ends in front of you so you can see the split ends.
- Grab the scissors in a perpendicular position and trim off one to two inches of your hair, depending on the damage.
It’s that simple!
How Often Should You Cut Off Your Split Ends?
We’ll list the hair types in the order of strength. This way it can be seen more easily how often ends fray, and how often they can be cut.
- Wavy or straight coarse hair: This is the strongest hair type. There are few bands in the hair structure and the hair diameter is thick. It won’t fray as often as other types, as long as you’re not using a lot of heat. You can wait eight weeks between trims.
- Fine hair, whether wavy or curly: Hair that’s thin in diameter, otherwise known as fine hair, is prone to fraying more frequently as it is less strong than coarse hair—plan on trimming it every six weeks.
- Coily hair: Coily hair has many bends, making it susceptible to breakage. It is also fine and dry in texture and so is prone to split ends as well. It’s a good idea to trim it every six weeks, but because it grows slower, you can use oils and hair masking treatments to seal the split ends to prolong the time. If you use hair growth treatments, the new growth can also make up for what you lost with frequent trims.
- Color-treated: Color-treated hair is dry due to its high porosity. The chemicals in color treatments can lift the hair cuticle, making it porous. They can even sometimes corrode the cuticle when the treatments are too frequent and too many. Color-treated hair is very much prone to split ends and these should be clipped whenever you get a new treatment or every four weeks.
How to Get Rid of Split Ends Naturally – 3 Different Remedies
If you want to get rid of split ends without cutting your hair, there are other things you can do. Here are three different natural remedies you can try!
Papaya and Plain Yogurt

To prepare this remedy, take one papaya, skin it and remove the seeds. Mash it all up and mix it with half a cup of plain yogurt. Whip everything together nicely until you get a smooth paste. Apply this to your hair, cover it with a cap and leave it on for 45 minutes.
Then, rinse it and wash your hair like you usually do. Papaya and yogurt are rich in amino acids and proteins, which will help you strengthen your hair and lessen the hair-splitting at the ends!
Foods to Fasten the Hair Growth
Avocado, Egg Whites and Olive Oil

For this remedy, you’ll need one mashed avocado, two tablespoons of egg whites and three tablespoons of olive oil. Mix everything together and whip it well until you get a creamy consistency.
Apply this to your hair, cover it with a cap, leave it on for an hour, and then rinse it off and wash your hair as usual. Avocados are rich in vitamins and nutrients, and they will help your hair recover, while olive oil is moisturizing and egg whites will provide protein.
Flat Beer

Just pour the flat beer into a clean spray bottle and dampen your hair with it. Leave it on for at least an hour, then rinse it off and wash your hair as usual. Beer is full of protein and sugars that will help your hair be stronger and repair your damaged follicles which will help you to get rid of your split ends naturally.
Dusting and trimming are equal for split ends because they get lopped off. The difference between them is that dusting is done more carefully, even sometimes one hair by one, in order to preserve the original haircut. Trimming might not take such considerations.
Every twelve weeks, if possible.
No. Split ends are a normal part of hair weathering. They indicate unhealthy hair when they travel up the hair shaft and cause more damage.
No. Split ends can be sealed temporarily, and the hair above the split ends can be strengthened so that the split doesn’t rise as quickly. But split ends cannot be repaired.
Not absolutely. It depends on how they look, how you can conceal them, how quickly they are traveling up the hair shaft, and what you’re doing to prevent them from traveling.
Cutting split ends is a good practice, as it removes damage. Proper hair care is more of good practice as split ends and the damage they cause can be prevented in part with good hair care practices.
Absolutely not! Clipping your hair with dull kitchen scissors, for example, will actually cause a new set of split ends to grow right where you cut the other ones off.