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Long Hair Vs. Short Hair: Here’s How to Decide

One of the best things about hair is that it grows all the time, as a full-time job. So the adventurous among us can enjoy all kinds of hairstyles and lengths knowing that, in time, the hair will grow back, and the process can start all over.

If you’re toying with a drastic hair length change, consider some of these important factors that could help you decide between short hair and long hair regarding your long-term happiness.

Long Hair or Short Hair: What to Consider

When the seasons change, we start to get that itch for something new. Sometimes it shows up in our home decor, but sometimes it happens during our salon appointments.

The decision to chop your hair can be a hard one. There are so many factors to consider that will influence your choice of hair length. And even though hair grows back, it won’t do so overnight, so it’s important to make your choice carefully.

While life is short and you should sometimes take risks, you’ll probably be happier in the long run if you don’t go out and chop your hair on a whim. Consider these important factors first when deciding what hair length is best for you right now.

Face Shape & Hairstyle

If you’ve bought into the myth that short hair doesn’t suit everyone, then leave those assumptions at the door! We’ve all seen celebrities with short hair or even friends and family who’ve cut their hair short and didn’t look as good afterward.

But this has more to do with the cut itself than the length. Face shape plays a huge role in what kind of cut will look best on you. So if you’re considering a short haircut, find a few specific styles that speak to you and determine whether or not they’re a good fit for your face shape and characteristics.

In general, the most flattering haircuts balance out our faces and call attention to our best features. So if you have a naturally long face shorter hair can help balance that, while the opposite is true for round faces.

Maintenance and Lifestyle

This is another factor that has been spun into a bit of an industry myth. Long hair isn’t necessarily easier to care for and or more versatile in style than shorter hair. Again, this is a factor that needs to be more personalized to help you make your hair length decision.

If you’re the type of person who lives for being able to throw their hair up in a ponytail and go, then a short haircut won’t be entirely impossible, but it will mean a significant adjustment on your part. If you go into your haircut expecting this and are ready for it, then you’re much more likely to be happy than if it catches you off guard.

Likewise, if you’re on a budget and prefer to only visit the salon a few times a year, keep in mind that short haircuts do require trimming more often to maintain the shape. However, many short haircuts can also be extremely low-maintenance in the styling department, so don’t let that fear hold you back.

Cold Weather or Hot Weather

One very real influencing factor that most people overlook is your environment. Do you live in a hot or cold climate? Long hair can be a pain in humid environments, while short hair isn’t always the best for cold areas.

Keep that in mind as well when planning for seasonal haircuts; it’s best to try a shorter cut for summer and keep long hair in the winter.

Even if you pick the perfect short haircut for your face shape, if you time it improperly, you might feel exposed and colder during the winter months when you could have really benefited from the lightness during the summertime.

So consider the climate you live in and, if you decide a short haircut is for you, try to time it well to match the season you’re heading into.


Overall, your haircut and style need to match your personality above all else. We’ve all gotten a haircut at some point that just made us feel like we weren’t quite ourselves.

On the other hand, a good haircut that matches our style, even if it is a drastic change for us, can make us feel like an entirely new person in a good way. The biggest drawback is that, often, you never know until you try.

But this is where waiting comes in handy. Pick a flattering hairstyle, make an appointment ahead of time that times it correctly in regards to the season, and then wait for a while. If you get more and more excited about the prospect, then go ahead with it.

However, if you start to second guess yourself and dread your incoming stylist appointment, then it may be your gut telling you that it would have been a hasty decision, and another style will suit you better and make you happier in the long run.

How to Decide Between Long Hairstyle and Short Hairstyle

So how do you take all of the above factors and combine them into a process that helps you decide whether long hair or short hair is best for you?

Thanks to technology and social media, you have a whole host of resources at your disposal to help you make informed hairstyle choices.

Try a Hairstyle Try-on App

Don’t let this be the overall deciding factor because not all of these apps are created equal! But if you’re considering a drastic change and are having a hard time imagining how it will look on your face, try a hairstyle try-on app.

These apps let you upload a photo and see different styles and colors superimposed onto your picture. They’re not always the most accurate or realistic, but they can help you get a rough idea about what shape and length of hair will be most flattering on you.

Do a Celebrity Match

Another helpful and maybe slightly more old-school way to try a hairstyle is finding a celebrity look-alike. Even though not all of us have a celebrity twin out there, you can find celebs with similar skin tones, face shapes, and facial characteristics as you.

Since celebrities change their hairstyle pretty often, there’s a decent chance that you can Google a particular celeb and find them wearing a variety of hair lengths and styles. Once you know your face shape, it’s not very difficult to find a celeb surrogate and potentially learn from their haircut mistakes!

Examine Old Selfies

The most tried and true method is to bring it back a little closer to home and pull out some of your own old selfies. While you probably won’t find a wide variety of hairstyles modeled on yourself, this is a good way to analyze what has worked for you and what hasn’t in the past.

Don’t stop at deciding whether you like the overall effect of a particular hair length you wore at the time: do some detail-oriented analytics to decide what components of your hair length worked for you and what didn’t.

This will help you choose what components you can replicate and which you can pass on when it comes to hair length.

Wavy Hair Vs. Curly Hair: What Are the Differences?

At the end of the day, hair does grow back, but it’s important to feel confident and at home in your own skin, regardless of the length of your hair.

So carefully choosing which length is best for you by considering these factors and using these methods can help ensure that you choose a length that you’ll want to keep and enjoy in the long term.