Ingrown beard hair is one of the most critical stages that take place in males after the different kinds of hair removal processes such as shaving, waxing or plucking .etc. If you do not know enough about ingrown facial hair, you are in the right place.
Here, you will come to know about minor to major erudition of ingrown mustache as well as beard hair.
What Does Ingrown Hair Means?

Hairs that grow inside the skin in a downward direction due to blockage of follicles or pores are known as ingrown hairs. This problem happens in males due to shaving their beard or mustache hair.
Causes of Ingrown Facial Hair

There are several causes of ingrown facial/beard hair, some of the major are as follows;
Dry Skin: Males who have dry skin tend to have more ingrown facial hair than males who have normal or oily skin. Dry skin blocks the pores from where the hair has to grow. Due to pores blockage, the facial hair grows back inside the skin instead of out the skin surface.
Hair Removal Methods: Facial hair is mostly removed through various ways such as shaving, waxing, through clippers. When you shave the beard through a sharp razor, it causes the breakage of hair which ultimately leads to ingrown beard hair.
Hair Texture or Type: Ingrown mustache hair and beard hair are mostly found in males who have thick and curly hair than the males who have straight hair. These curls due to their texture grow in backward direction under the skin.
Itching: It is another yet common cause of ingrown facial hair. After shaving, due to the growth of new hair, severe itching may occur.
When males get irritated due to itching and rub their skin vigorously, damage of hair follicles takes place due to pressure, which prevents the hair to move come out of the skin surface leading towards ingrown hair.
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Ingrown Mustache & Beard Hair Symptoms
The most common and severe symptoms of ingrown facial hair are as follows:
Cyst/Pimple Growth

The grim effect of ingrown hair is cyst/pimple growth. It is the most severe condition that may lead to other diseases such as fever, skin rashes .etc. A cyst is basically a pimple with pus in it which is really painful and disturbing to someone’s eyes. When the ingrown facial hair becomes invisible, it converts into a pimple.
Black Heads

Ingrown facial hair may cause the formation of a blackhead or whiteheads. If you can see the ingrown hair in your skin, the chances are that it probably going to convert into a blackhead.
Skin Irritation

Ingrown beard hair causes skin rashes and redness.
How to Grow a Beard without Ingrown Hair

Shaving Gel: Always apply shaving gel or cream before shaving your beard. It will make your dry skin a bit soft, which ultimately leads to smoother shaving.
Skin Exfoliation: Exfoliate your skin with good quality scrub as it will remove the dead cells or dry/damaged skin that causes the ingrown beard hair.
Good Quality Razor: Take a deep insight while buying a razor. We recommend you to use the 1 mm or 0.5 mm blade size as sharper blades do not work effectively.
Shaving Technique: While shaving the beard, take good care of hair direction. Shave the beard and mustache in the direction of hair growth.
If you shave in the opposite direction, it will cause the breakage of hair follicles leading towards ingrown hair in the beard. Avoid shaving the facial hair that is too close to the skin.
Moisturizers: Apply a good quality moisturizer after shaving your facial hair. If you have dry skin, keep your skin moisturized throughout the day.
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How to Get Rid of Ingrown Facial Hair
In order to get rid of the ingrown facial hair, you must follow the below techniques;
Natural Healing
Sometimes the ingrown mustache/beard hair heals naturally after two or three weeks. Give the ingrown hair some time and have patience, you will see that the ingrown facial hair will disappear soon.

If you have not much patience and want to get rid of the ingrown beard hair as soon as possible, try to pluck it out through stainless steel and sterilize tweezers.
If the ingrown hair is deep inside the skin, avoid struggling to remove it as it may cause further or severe infection and damage to the skin.
Alcohol-free Products
Some people use alcoholic cotton pads to comfort ingrown hair, but these are injurious to health. We recommend you use non-alcoholic pads on ingrown mustache hair before removing or plucking it out.
Laser Treatment

It is the best method to remove ingrown facial hair on a permanent basis. You have to go through several laser treatments in a month in order to get rid of the ingrown beard. If anyone wants to remove ingrown hair permanently, they can use the electrolysis method.
It is just like laser treatment but involves a slightly different procedure. It also removes the ingrown facial hair permanently. In this method, the hair got removed with the help of electrodes.
Electrolysis damages the hair growth area known as follicles, completely; that’s how unwanted hair growth is inhibited permanently. It mostly takes six to eight weeks for the procedure to be done.
When the ingrown hair causes severe skin damage or cyst formation or is too stubborn to move out of the skin, you should visit an experienced dermatologist for better treatment. They will remove the ingrown hair through surgery.
Yes, ingrown facial hair irritates the skin brutally. When the ingrown beard hair is left ignored and untreated, they cause skin redness, pimples, inflammation and cyst formation.
Yes, waxing and tweezing are also the reason for ingrown hair. Waxing removed the hair from its roots but when the hair grows back, it’s the texture or shape that causes them to grow inside the skin.
Tweezing is also a way to remove any stubborn ingrown hair but when you use it as a hair removal method then, hair might break close or under the skin which leads to ingrown facial hair.
Yes, there are plenty of natural remedies for ingrown hair. Some of the most effective are as follows:
● Apply tea tree oil as it is the best natural ingredient that exfoliates your skin deeply. It acts like a skin antiseptic that has no harm but benefits.
● Avoid shaving your beard and mustache for a few days or weeks.
● Apply castor oil and argan oil on your skin as argan oil acts as a natural exfoliator and castor oil fights against inflammation and soar.
● Use can use aloe vera gel to get rid of skin redness and rashes.
● Sugar and baking soda also act like natural skin exfoliators that can be used for ingrown mustache or beard hair prevention.
The ingrown beard needs constant care. Sometimes the ingrown hair heals on its own, but when you do not pay heed to them, it causes a serious problem for you that you may have to go through surgical treatment.
Try to follow the above-mentioned preventive measurements or natural remedies to avoid any predicament in the future.
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